Highly Automated Smart Factory

Highly Automated Smart Factory

The era of Industry 4.0 has revolutionized the way industries manufacture products.

Green Intlpak is committed to integrating intelligent manufacturing into production process, quality control, and overall corporate operations. To optimize and streamline production processes, we implement real-time detection and auto adjustment in manufacturing machines that communicate with each other and collect data in a central database.

Green Intlpak builds an extensive and valuable database that allows us to manipulate raw data for diagnostic, predictive, and reporting purposes.

In addition to real-time data collection, Green Intlpak’s newest plant is built on automation. We utilize AI-assisted detection devices, AGV, and robot arms. Manual operations such as inspection and movement of work-in-process are minimized in the factory.

Therefore, the contamination risk of food ware is reduced to the minimum. This is how Green Intlpak is capable of delivering the highest quality in the market.
It is our goal to build a next-generation intelligent factory. We carefully design the factory to fit for the future development. An equilibrium is achieved in the arrangement among material flow, human operations, and automated facilities. This is a new attempt in the paper pulp molding industry. Green Intlpak assures product quality and on-time delivery to our customers with accuracy and precision in smart operations.